According to the sayings of Akilathiratu Vedas, the Lord Himself who is present in the entire universe appears as Shiva, Shakti, Nath, Vishnu, Rudra, Maheshwar, after creating Lord Surya, Lord Vayu, etc., He created various life signs, created 84 lakh species of living beings, and is running this world. After the creation of the universe consisting of various beings and various yugas in the beginning, after naming the first yugam as the ‘Elongated Yuga’, Adi Brahma, Parameswaran lit a fire and started performing a yajna to decide which aspects the universe should contain. From the midst of the sacrificial fire came forth a deadly monster called Kuroni. In the days when Kuroni came out, he started harassing Devas and when he tried to destroy the Deva worlds and Kailai, Shri Mahavishnu was in penance to get the necessary power from Esar to destroy him and save the Devas and the Deva world. Isar, who was pleased with that penance, said, “Koroni should be cut into six pieces and destroyed, and once destroyed, each of his body parts will be reborn on earth as an Asura, and He himself should incarnate and destroy the Asuras.”